Library Fun with The New Li-Bear-ian!

I have very vivid memories of getting my first library card. We walked to the library from our school and I probably still have the card with my little 5 year old signature on it somewhere. That library is now a medical building, but I will always have fond memories of going there and taking out books. I was very excited to take my daughter to the library for the first time, and she loves going and looking through the great selection of kid’s books. Since February is National Library Lovers Month, I decided to share this fun book about a new librarian, as well as some great activities you can do with your family!

Introducing Babies to the Classics with Musical Board Books

Music is a universal language. I love that music can elicit big emotions, and allow the imagination to soar. Music can be tied to art, movement, math, writing and more. Even before babies can talk, they can react and respond to music. There is so much they can learn from it. Today I’m excited to share some fun activities and a series of musical board books that encourage young kids to experience classical music in an exciting way.

Celebrating Valentine’s Day with Your Favorite Characters!

Valentine’s Day is a time to share with the ones you love. What better way to help kids share the love than with a great book from one of their most beloved characters? I gathered a list of some of great Valentine’s Day books from some of the most popular characters out there. I hope it helps you to find the right book to celebrate the day with your kids! (If you would like recommendations on great books about love for kids, check out this post!).

15 of the Best Yoga Books for Kids

From a very early age, my daughter has loved to do yoga. Even before she knew what she was doing, she loved copying my yoga moves. As she has grown, I have been really excited to find some great resources and kids yoga books to help me teach her some yoga basics. At only 2, she has her favorite poses already and she loves doing them on a regular basis. I love that it is something that we can do together, and that she is learning how to control her body, her mind and her emotions. Since one of my goals for the year is to do more yoga together, I decided to gather a list of 15 of the best yoga books for kids!

Christmas Board Books for Stocking Stuffers!

Christmas is right around the corner! If you are in the market for last minute stocking stuffers, check out these fun Christmas board books. They’re perfect for the little readers on your list! (Also check out this list of board books from last year for even more options!)

Standard Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. I may receive a commission from purchases you make through the links in this post.

Recognizing Veterans

As Veteran’s Day approaches, it is important to explain to kids why we spend a day recognizing our Veteran’s and honoring them for their service to our country. There are lots of great books about honoring the brave soldiers who have sacrificed for our freedom. To recognize the holiday as a family, I’ve compiled a list of books to share, as well as fun activities to bring them to life.

How a Learning Tower Can Benefit Your Child

Kids naturally learn from watching and imitating. From the very beginning, babies and toddlers try to speak, move and act like the children and adults around them. How many times have you seen a small child pick up a phone and pretend to have a whole conversation? They learn by watching us and by attempting to do these things on their own. Allowing kids to help around the house is a great way to encourage independence, curiosity and creativity. It also provides opportunities for learning and practicing important skills. We recently had the opportunity to try a great learning tool from Little Partners which allows all ages to get more involved.

How Many Seeds in a Pumpkin?

Updated on October 16, 2019
Jump into fall with these STEM activities inspired by the book "How Many Seeds in a Pumpkin?" #howmanyseedsinapumpkin #fallSTEM #pumpkinstem #pumpkinactivities

Pumpkins provide so many fun opportunities to learn and practice important skills. Plus, who doesn’t feel festive when surrounded by bright orange pumpkins? We have already visited at least one apple orchard and pumpkin patch this year, so I was inspired to find lots of ways to use them in our learning. I was also thrilled to find a book that ties math and other lessons in with pumpkins and the fall season. Check out all of the fun we had counting pumpkin seeds!

Give the Gift of Laughter and Creativity!

One of the best parts of being a parent is the opportunity to act like a kid again. As a teacher, some of my favorite memories are dancing, singing and just having fun with the kids. The same is true now that I am a parent. The other day while emptying the dishwasher, my two year old picked up a spatula, sat on the floor and used it to “row” herself across the kitchen floor — all the while singing “Row Row Row Your Boat”. When she asked me to join, I sat right down with her and scooted across the floor too. And the laughter from that moment will stick with me as an amazing memory.

Battling Parenting Woes with Help from Boys Town!

Reading is and always has been a passion of mine. So when I became a mom, I was anxious to get my hands on all kinds of reading materials that would help me be the best parent I could be. As my daughter has grown, so has my reading list. I firmly believe that kids who see their parents reading will be more likely to read, so I take every opportunity to read texts from a variety of sources. While I still have quite the stack of parenting books, I also turn to the resources on the internet more often than not. Boys Town is full of fantastic parenting resources offering helpful tips and advice for this crazy journey of parenting.