You are My Sunshine!

You are My Sunshine is a song that my mom sang to me a lot when I was little. It stuck with me as I grew up, and when I became a mom, it was the first song I sang to my daughter. I have sung it to her every night before bed, and it’s become our special song. She asks me to sing it when she’s sick or upset, and she sings it along with me some nights too. I was so excited when I found an illustrated version of the song, and I decided we should have some fun with it.

ABC See, Hear, Do: How to Teach Reading to Different Learning Styles

I’ve always been interested in different learning styles. One of my favorite parts of studying education was coming up with different lessons to reach various learning styles. That passion spilled over to this blog, giving me a chance to come up with lots of different activities to inspire learning from a single book. I try to give my daughter lots of ways to practice any given subject. Recently, she has been showing increasing interest in letters and letter sounds. Since she is only 2 years old, I wanted to encourage her interest in a fun way that felt less pressured. Enter ABC See, Hear, Do a fun new way to teach reading to different learning styles!

Making Friends with Piggy!

I was a shy kid growing up, so it was often hard for me to get up the nerve to make new friends. It’s so important to me that I teach my daughter to be kind to others and be friendly and outgoing. I was really glad to have the opportunity to share today’s book with her and talk about making friends.

Standard Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. I may receive a commission from purchases you make through the links in this post. I received an advance copy of the book in exchange for my honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Benefits of Reading Interactive Books with Your Kids

Reading to kids who are full of energy can sometimes be frustrating. My 2 year old is constantly on the move. I’m always amazed and thrilled when she wants to just sit with me and read a book. But there are plenty of times when a traditional book just can’t hold her attention. Thankfully, there are plenty of interactive books available to keep your little ones interested in reading, and there are lots of educational benefits of reading interactive books with your kids!

12+ Interactive Books to Entertain Young Readers

I love books that “break the fourth wall” and draw kids into the story by making them a part of it. Reading to very young children can sometimes be a difficult task. Books that speak directly to them and give them a chance to change the outcome of the story can draw even the most restless readers into some great reading time.

Standard Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. I may receive a commission from purchases you make through the links in this post.

Ultimate Guide to Easter Egg Learning Activities!

Easter is just around the corner! With all of the brightly colored plastic Easter eggs around, I wanted to find some great activities to use them for learning opportunities. I decided to round up some of the best ideas from my fellow bloggers. These activities use plastic eggs for everything from reading to math to science to exercise.

Get kids excited for Easter with these printable Easter bookmarks, lunch box jokes, and more!Standard Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. I may receive a commission from purchases you make through the links in this post.

Take Your Learning to the Moon!

I am completely fascinated by all things related to space. I love reading about the space program and looking for constellations and planets in the night sky. My daughter also likes space and loves to point out the moon whenever she can. She talks to it sometimes and sings songs about the planets (Thank you Little Einsteins). Today’s book is a fun interactive board book from Smithsonian Kids and Cottage Door Press that introduces kids to the space program.

Teaching Simple Concepts with Educational Board Books

Reading to kids from the beginning of their lives is so important. From the very first day, they can benefit from curling up with a loved one and listening to a book. As they get a bit older, every time they read with someone, they are learning invaluable lessons and skills. For babies and toddlers, great board books can provide them with entertainment, while also teaching them a variety of subjects. Today I have the opportunity to be part of the blog tour for two new board books that will do just that!

Spread Smiles with These Children’s Books on Kindness!

Random Acts of Kindness Day is observed on February 17th every year. I love the idea of recognizing the power of small acts of kindness and encouraging kids to make a difference. My mother is the kindest person I have ever met. She encourages every person in her life to spread kindness to others. Whether she is baking birthday treats for every single person at her work, or just smiling at every person she passes, her goal is to brighten people’s days. I absolutely want my daughter to look at life that way as well. I love that this holiday encourages everyone to do the same. To spread some smiles this year, I decided to gather a list of great children’s books on kindness to help families start their own traditions.

Teaching Kids to Get Along!

Teaching kids to manage their emotions and monitor their behavior can be a difficult task. It can be hard to explain to them why certain actions are hurtful or will cause others to not want to play with them. My daughter is currently 2 years old, so we are spending a lot of time working on sharing, controlling our temper and learning to be a good friend. So I was really excited when we were introduced to this new series about teaching kids to get along and given the opportunity to check it out.