Celebrating Diversity with Multicultural Children’s Book Day!

Being able to recognize yourself in the art that you consume is something that a lot of people take for granted. It is so important for kids to be able to find books, toys and media that features characters that look like them, have families that look like theirs, or live in places that resemble their neighborhoods. On January 27, 2018, we will be celebrating Multicultural Children’s Book Day, which is dedicated to raising awareness for children’s books which feature diverse characters, neighborhoods and families, and getting them onto bookshelves in schools, homes and communities. I’m thrilled to be a part of this important cause, and to have the opportunity to review three books that are part of the featured line up this year.

Give the Gift of Laughter and Creativity!

One of the best parts of being a parent is the opportunity to act like a kid again. As a teacher, some of my favorite memories are dancing, singing and just having fun with the kids. The same is true now that I am a parent. The other day while emptying the dishwasher, my two year old picked up a spatula, sat on the floor and used it to “row” herself across the kitchen floor — all the while singing “Row Row Row Your Boat”. When she asked me to join, I sat right down with her and scooted across the floor too. And the laughter from that moment will stick with me as an amazing memory.

You Are Wonderful

As a mother, it is so important to me that I raise my daughter to be proud of who she is. I want her to have confidence to do the things she loves and surround herself with people who see the wonderful person that she is. I make it a mission to tell her how loved she is, and how much I appreciate the things that make her special. Luckily Nancy Tillman’s amazing books give me that opportunity whenever we read them together. I am a huge fan of her beautiful work, so I was thrilled when I was offered the opportunity to check out her newest one about helping kids discover themselves!

I Let My Toddler Watch TV — and it’s Helping Her Learn to Read!

My toddler watches TV.

Yup, I said it.

Now let’s not be crazy. I don’t let her watch TV all the time. I am very much a believer in the “Everything in Moderation” mindset.  Our social media feeds are full of articles telling us that TV and screen time are bad for kids, and I definitely agree that screen time should be monitored and minimized. However, I have definitely seen a benefit to allowing my daughter some screen time with educational television shows.

How to Create a Special Place to Read with Your Kids

Do you have a favorite place to read? The Internet is full of amazing reading nooks and dream libraries. I find myself getting lost in the pictures dreaming of spending a day there. When it comes to getting kids excited about reading, you want to ensure that they have a great area that they can call their own. While we may wish for fantastic libraries that aren’t meant to be (I realize now I will never have the library from Beauty and the Beast), there are lots of ways that you can carve out a small area in your home and make it the perfect place to read. Today’s book takes a fun look at what a perfect reading area needs.

Preschool in a Box!

As a teacher and a mom, I am always looking for ways to entertain my daughter while also teaching her. I try to fill our days with various learning activities or opportunities to be creative and practice important skills. While it can be lots of fun to come up with different activities to keep her interested and motivated to learn, it can also be a lot of work! Today I’m excited to share a company who aims to help busy parents to give kids a variety of learning  opportunities, delivered right to your door!

Let Kids Read What They Want!

Do your kids enjoy books that you are not a huge fan of? Is there a particular character that you can’t stand,  but that your child adores? Do your kids enjoy reading on the Kindle or IPad, while you prefer they read paper books? You may think I am crazy for saying it, but I believe you should let them read what they want!

But Vicki, that’s crazy! There are things out there that I don’t want my kid reading! 

Starting Early: How I Taught My 1 Year Old to Speak in 4 Languages

Kids are sponges. We hear it all the time.

“They will repeat everything you say!”

“They learn even when they don’t seem like they are listening.”

As a teacher, I had lots of plans for teaching my daughter when she was born. I had dreams of us reading together, doing crafts and science experiments, and learning new things. I read to her while I was pregnant and built up her library. On the night she came home from the hospital, I read to her out of the same book that my parents read to me on my first night. After that, I realized I didn’t have many plans for teaching her until she was older!

Book Traditions to Start With Your Kids

Books are such an important part of my life, and now in the life of my daughter. We read every day, both together and separately. I won’t lie, our book collection may be a little out of control! However, I love introducing her to new books and there are lots of ways that the people in our lives have made books a fun tradition. Whether you are just starting a library or already have years of reading together, there are several ways you can make books exciting for kids. These are some of our favorite book traditions. Some have already been started for my daughter and some I hope to start in the future!

Reading at the Grocery Store

I am a firm believer that learning opportunities can be found anywhere. My parents often used every day situations to teach my sister and I various lessons and skills that would be helpful to us in our lives. While driving home from places, my mother would encourage us to give her directions home. When we would go on walks, they would encourage us to point out familiar things and name them. All of these lessons helped my sister and I to become avid readers and learners. I am starting to do the same with my daughter, and she is already eager to learn from the world around her.Shopping is one of the tasks which my daughter and I do together that affords us lots of fun learning opportunities. We have been learning and reading at the grocery store since she was a few months old.