Sand Activities for Learning

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Playing in the sand is one of the summer traditions that you can enjoy anywhere! Whether you are at the beach, or playing in your own yard, there are so many fun ways that you can turn playing in the sand into a learning experience. My daughter loves playing in the sand, and she has been having fun creating new games to play in her sand table. Some of her favorite activities in the sand box are to build volcanoes using a funnel (she is currently obsessed with volcanoes), and finding her Little People dolls and animals in the sand. She likes when I bury them while she looks away so she can use her tools to dig them up.

Book Traditions to Start With Your Kids

Books are such an important part of my life, and now in the life of my daughter. We read every day, both together and separately. I won’t lie, our book collection may be a little out of control! However, I love introducing her to new books and there are lots of ways that the people in our lives have made books a fun tradition. Whether you are just starting a library or already have years of reading together, there are several ways you can make books exciting for kids. These are some of our favorite book traditions. Some have already been started for my daughter and some I hope to start in the future!

Birthday Traditions to Start with Your Kids!

I loved my birthday when I was growing up. I was always a shy kid, but if there was one day when I didn’t mind the attention, it was on my birthday. My parents made our birthdays special with lots of fun traditions that I plan to carry on with my daughter. We were allowed to pick a restaurant for dinner and choose the kind of cake we wanted to have at home. Every year we also took a birthday quiz that my mom saved for us, so we can now look back at how our answers changed over the years. (We may have whined about taking it some years, for which I am sorry Mom!). Since my daughter is starting to understand birthdays now, I decided it would be fun to start some of these birthday traditions with her this year.

Teaching Dental Health to Kids with the Brushies!

Teach kids about dental health with these brushing and flossing activities for kids! Teaching your kids to brush their teeth can sometimes be a struggle. My daughter has gone through stages of loving to brush her teeth, and also hating it. At her first visit to the dentist, he told me that we would need to floss her bottom teeth because they were very close together. After a few failed attempts, she suddenly loves to floss them on her own! By making it a fun game, she took over the activity herself, and actually enjoys it. Using a fun story and imaginative characters is a great way to get kids interested in dental health. It can also help them to understand the importance of proper dental hygiene. I was thrilled when I found this awesome company which does just that. And we had a lot of fun creating these dental health activities for kids!

Reading at the Grocery Store

I am a firm believer that learning opportunities can be found anywhere. My parents often used every day situations to teach my sister and I various lessons and skills that would be helpful to us in our lives. While driving home from places, my mother would encourage us to give her directions home. When we would go on walks, they would encourage us to point out familiar things and name them. All of these lessons helped my sister and I to become avid readers and learners. I am starting to do the same with my daughter, and she is already eager to learn from the world around her.Shopping is one of the tasks which my daughter and I do together that affords us lots of fun learning opportunities. We have been learning and reading at the grocery store since she was a few months old.

21 Awesome Chalk Activities to Keep Kids Learning in Summer!

Keep kids learning during the summer with these educational games and activities using chalk! #ChalkActivities #ChalkGames #SummerGamesForKidsSummer is here which means it is time to get outside and play! We have been spending as much time as possible out in the sun and my daughter has a newfound fascination with chalk. There are so many ways to use chalk to teach and reinforce important concepts to kids, from letters and numbers to colors, shapes and more! In an effort to keep the learning going this summer, I decided to round up some of the best learning activities that use chalk so we would have plenty to keep us busy!

Put Down the Phone! Raising Kids in a Digital Age

Raising kids in a digital age comes with a whole new set of difficulties. From managing screen time to monitoring what kids have access to, parenting with screens can be a difficult balance. While screens may be part of our everyday lives, and access to them is more prevalent than ever before, it is important that we remember to put down the electronics and enjoy the hear and now. We all fall into the trap of viewing important events through our screens, since we want to capture every adorable second. Corine Dehghanpisheh’s book #BabyLove: My Toddler Life, reminds us to put down the phones and enjoy the moment!

Discovering New Books with Little Fun Club

Little Fun Club blog tour. A subscription box for children's books. Great for kids ages 0-12. No matter how old we get, it is still exciting to receive something fun in the mail. My daughter loves going to the post office, and she is over the moon when she gets a piece of mail or a new book. I love exploring new books while reading with my daughter, and when they show up in the mail, it is even better! So when Little Fun Club offered the chance to review their book box as part of their blog tour, I was very excited for us to have some new books to share.

How I Am Rocking Motherhood By Raising a Bookworm!

The How I am Rocking Motherhood challenge has been taking over blogs around the internet lately. It is awesome to see all of these bloggers whom I admire giving themselves credit for the awesome job that they are doing as moms! I was nominated by Elizabeth Brico from the great blog Betty’s Battleground. On her blog, she shares her journey of parenting with PTSD, and she decided to put her own spin on the challenge by listing the ways that her PTSD helps her to rock motherhood. I decided to take her spin as inspiration and came up with the 10 ways that I am rocking motherhood as a bookworm raising a bookworm!

What Will Grow? – Fun Seed Activities for Kids

Spring is coming! I love the spring time. The snow melts away, the flowers start to pop out of the ground and we can get outside again. Springtime feels like it is full of possibilities. We bought our house in November a few years ago, so when the gardens around our house started to bloom, we had no idea what types of plants and flowers to expect. It was so fun watching the plants start to come up through the soil and wait to see what would grow. Today’s book asks the same thing, and offers a lot of fun opportunities to learn about plants with different kinds of seed activities.