How to Create a Special Place to Read with Your Kids

Do you have a favorite place to read? The Internet is full of amazing reading nooks and dream libraries. I find myself getting lost in the pictures dreaming of spending a day there. When it comes to getting kids excited about reading, you want to ensure that they have a great area that they can call their own. While we may wish for fantastic libraries that aren’t meant to be (I realize now I will never have the library from Beauty and the Beast), there are lots of ways that you can carve out a small area in your home and make it the perfect place to read. Today’s book takes a fun look at what a perfect reading area needs.

Fun Leaf Activities That Will Get Kids Excited for Fall!

The bright and colorful leaves of fall just beg you to have fun with them! From jumping in piles of leaves to creating fun art projects, the possibilities are almost endless. I love when the trees around us start to change color and all of the beautiful fall decorations start to come out. We decided to embrace the fall season and have some fun with colorful leaf activities!

Standard Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. I may receive a commission from purchases you make through the links in this post.

Testing Your Memory with George!

How’s your memory? Not going to lie, I have a pretty terrible memory about some things. I still know all the words to random TV shows from the 90s (get out of my head Fresh Prince!), but other things just fly right out of my head. Then I became a mom, and let me tell you Mom Brain is real! So today’s book speaks to me because it is not only a very cute book, but is about a little boy who is great at remembering — except when he forgets.

Preschool in a Box!

As a teacher and a mom, I am always looking for ways to entertain my daughter while also teaching her. I try to fill our days with various learning activities or opportunities to be creative and practice important skills. While it can be lots of fun to come up with different activities to keep her interested and motivated to learn, it can also be a lot of work! Today I’m excited to share a company who aims to help busy parents to give kids a variety of learning  opportunities, delivered right to your door!

Drifting to Sleep in the Rock-a-Bye Room

Reading together is an important part of our bedtime routine. While her routine has changed as she has grown, our reading time has remained the same. I love finding peaceful books to read to her that can help lull her into a good night’s sleep.

Standard Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. I may receive a commission from purchases you make through the links in this post. I received a copy of this book courtesy of Bookroo in exchange for creation of activities. All thoughts, opinions and ideas are my own.

Wanted: Pet Shark

Are you a fan of sharks? Shark week has become practically a national holiday it seems. The Sharknado movies are now a franchise. Even if you haven’t seen Jaws, you know the theme song. (I actually taught my daughter to sing the Jaws theme when asked what a shark says). What is it that fascinates us about sharks? Today’s shark book for kids explores the idea of having a shark as a pet, and how they may not be all that different from the pets we already have!

What Makes You Laugh?

My favorite sound in the world is my daughter’s laugh. My family tends to laugh until we can’t speak, or until tears are running down our cheeks. I love that my daughter has developed this trait already. Whether she is playing by herself, reading a book, watching a TV show or listening to us make funny voices, her shrieking laughter can make any day better. I am always looking for ways to make her laugh, and today’s book gave us lots of opportunities to giggle together.

Boost Your Imagination!

Imagination is such an important part of childhood. Do you remember the games you used to play when you were younger? We hear a lot of parents lamenting about how they didn’t have electronics and devices to entertain them when they were younger, and they had to create their own fun. The scary truth behind that is that imaginative play is sometimes taking a backseat in today’s world. Why would kids need to imagine they are in another world when they can enter one in a video game? I am not one to ban all electronics and devices. I think there is definitely an advantage to kids learning some technology. However, I do think it is even more important for parents to encourage kids to use their imaginations whenever possible. Today’s book is a great jumping off point for imaginative play!

Cheese Tasting with Anatole & Heluva Good!

Standard Disclosure: This post was sponsored by Heluva Good! Cheese as part of an Influence Central campaign and all opinions expressed in my post are my own. This post also contains affiliate links.  I may receive a commission from purchases you make through the links in this post.

I think it is fairly safe to say that cheese is one of my daughter’s favorite foods. From mac and cheese to grilled cheese, she loves it in all forms. I can’t really blame her, since I do too! So when I was offered the opportunity to work with Heluva Good!®, I was thrilled to have some cheesy fun with my daughter! We decided to try some new things together with a cheese tasting for kids!

Teaching Kids to Love Themselves with the Whale Who Wanted to Be Small!

whale activitiesI come from a very tall family. I am 5’10” and I am considered kind of short (at least according to my 6’3″ sister!). My sister and I have grown to be proud of our height, thanks to our parents. While we definitely face a few struggles (just try finding pants long enough), there are definite advantages to being tall.

My daughter is already taller than both my sister and I were at her age, so she is on track to continue the family tradition of being taller than most of her friends. While I will do my best to teach her to be proud of her height, I am definitely on the look out for great books that will help her to be confident about it. When I heard that Gill McBarnet had a story titled The Whale Who Wanted to Be Small, I knew I wanted to check it out!